Judging Criteria: The Three C’s of Trust


    The character of the leader shapes the business in every decision.

    A business leader will be tempted to make decisions that are unethical or immoral. A leader of exemplary character stands strong in making good decisions and are role models.

    Character traits include integrity, fairness, transparency, honesty, self-sacrifice, selfcontrol, servant leaders, are teachable and have maturity.

    TIP: Explain how you, as a leader, have demonstrated a commitment to character within your organization.

    TIP: Explain how this commitment to leadership character ethics, as part of the organization’s normal business practices, has helped shape how your business is managed.

    TIP: Because great leaders are constantly aiming to grow and improve and/or excel, share ways that you seek feedback in order to make personal and business improvements.


    A culture celebrating the team and aligned with the mission.

    A business that celebrates each member of its team as being an important contributor to the mission. Both the leader and the team co-create the culture.

    Culture should demonstrate collaboration with team, a reflection of character, compassion, transparency, respect, values, passion, celebrate each other.

    TIP: For entrepreneurs, teams can mean a lot of different things. Explain the unique team that you work with and how you unite them around your organization’s vision and mission.

    TIP: How do you empower your team and articulate that you value them?

    TIP: What sort of goals does your team have, and how do the goals contribute to creating a supportive and honest atmosphere, while being purposeful and transparent?


    The community is a key stakeholder for the business.

    Businesses balancing the profit goals of the business with the needs of the community give back more than they take. They gift treasure, time, and/or talent to helping their community get ahead.

    In tune with the community, collaborative, inclusive, invested, social impact, giving back.

    TIP: Describe your organization’s community focus and how it is incorporated into your Culture.

    TIP: Whether it’s a contribution of time, donation of money, extension of talents or establishing internal processes to benefit others, what are the intentional ways you give back and show support to your community?

  • Additional: VIDEO SUBMISSION

    Businesses are required to provide a video submission with their application. This video should come from your team. Video themes should include how your business embodies Character, Culture, and Community. Videos do not have to be complex. Entries have been made on cell phones.

    View these examples from BBB Central Ohio.

    Spark Video - Example 1

    Spark Video - Example 2

    Provide us a link to your YouTube, Dropbox, Vimeo video link, or other optimal video hosting source (2-minute max submission).